Are you searching for effluent treatment plant manufacturer?

effluent treatment plant manufacturers

High-quality ETP plants is the need of hour, seeing the burgeoning amount of sewage, industrial waste and other harmful components in water. Watchemions; effluent treatmentplant manufacturer is here to introduce you with best quality ETP plants.
         Small scale ETP Plant – If you are looking for effluent treatment plant manufacturer to help you with cost-effective ETP plants, then our Small scale ETP plants is the right choice. It needs less investment and has all the required technologies like physical, chemical and filtration. Talking about the capacity, it can easily handle 1.0 to 5KLD.
Some key features of this plant are –
·         Operation – Semi-automatic, manual and fully automatic (Silent in operation)
·         Uses the methodology of UF and RO
·         Components – UPVC piping, sludge pump, FRP/Epoxy Lined MS tanks
·         Can be handled by a person after going through simple training
·         Application areas – Metal pre-treatment, chemical.
         Standard ETP Plant – This is an ETP plant with highly advanced features with extensive in size. The capacity it can handle depends on the client requirements starting from 15 to 1000KLD.  It is a compact design plant which requires a low footprint with MS fabricated or Civil(RCC) process tanks.
Some key features of Standard ETP Plant are –
·         Operation – Semi-Automatic
·         Components - UPVC piping, FRP and Epoxy Lined MS tanks
·         Uses methodology of UF, Zero liquid discharge, RO, online pH monitoring and automatic chemical dosing.
·         Application areas - Metal pre-treatment, chemical, Pharmaceuticals, Automobile etc
Both the ETP plants listed above are manufactured and supplied by Watchemions, and thus there is no need for you to rally around for effluent treatment plant manufacturer anymore. Get in touch with here at and take help of our representatives for more information and booking details.
